Portrait of the Filipino Family


We have so much to learn about a Filipino Family. They taught us values in life that through these values and cultures we became better. Filipinos have so many great cultures and traditions that need to be passed from one generation to another. We should go out there and let the whole world know how capable Filipinos are. We should be proud that we have a blood of a Filipino. And as a Filipino, I want the world to know that we can do a lot of things that others can't.

I hope through this blog, you'll learn how to love and appreciate being a Filipino. It is not something to be ashamed of. Be Proud.


| Loyalty within the family
| Filipinos are family oriented
| The super ordination of the family over individual interest
| Concept of Family Solidarity
| Maintains expressive and emotional relationship
| The impact of modernization on the family
| Ability to survive
| Extreme Family-Centered
| Lack of Discipline
| Kanya - kanya syndrome
| Colonial Mentality

Our sense of joy and humor serves us well in difficult times. It makes life more pleasant.

The Filipino child grows up in an atmosphere of affection and over protection, where one learns security and trust but also being dependent to others.

In the family, children are taught to value the family and to learn its importance.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


There's nothing more relaxing than enjoying traditional Filipino "healing" massage. The soothing touch of this massage relaxes and heals tired muscles.

It is in our human nature that we're always tired from work. We want some rest and sometimes because of that we don't have time anymore to bond with our families. Spa is one way to release stress from work or school. It is also a way to have our bodies and minds relaxed. You can have fun while having some rest and not just that, you are also having a good quality time with your family.

Filipinos are busy people. They always have something to do that sometimes they have no energy to spend some time with their families. So, they thought about spa as a way to relax and to have some quality time with them.

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